Questions we get asked all the time

  • When can I start?

    You can start our BumpFIT™ classes at any stage of your pregnancy provided your GP or consultant has approved exercise.

    You can start our StrollerFIT classes once you are 6 weeks postpartum following a vaginal delivery, and 8-12 weeks postpartum if you had a c-section. In both cases you will need to have had your check up with your doctor before starting our sessions to be given the all clear for post-natal exercise.

    BodyFIT is available to all women. If you have previously been pregnant then you should be at least 6 months postpartum before starting BodyFIT.

    Our Pilates classes are suitable for all women. If you are pregnant you can start at any stage of your pregnancy provided your GP or consultant has approved exercise. If you are recently postpartum the same timeline as outlined above for StrollerFIT applies for Pilates also.

  • Will I be able for it?

    Of course you will!! All our classes are done on a ‘train at your own pace’ level, so all exercises will have a modification or alternative for those who prefer to take it easier or go a bit harder. 

    When pregnant or when you’re a mum to a little one, no two days are the same. You may feel amazing one day and exhausted the next… so listen to your body, always do what feels comfortable for YOU on that day….not the person next to you, their journey is not yours!! 

  • Can I bring my baby?

    Yes, you can to StrollerFIT! Older children are also welcome. That’s one of the best things about this class… you can work out and you don’t need a babysitter. You can bring your little ones, wrap them up all cosy and off you go! 

    As much as we love your little ones, we ask that you do not bring them to BumpFIT™ and BodyFIT.

  • What if my baby cries during StrollerFIT?

    First of all, don’t panic and immediately try to set a new record for the quickest exit from class!!! You are with a community of mums, parents, carers, etc., we all know how it goes with a baby, we’ve all been there. Your baby is not the first baby to ever cry (although you may feel like it is at the time)! We will sing nursey rhymes, have fun for baby activities, read books and entertain the kiddos at various stages during class. Our instructors are also happy to rock the buggy to help soothe baby while you work out. If all else fails, take baby out of the buggy for a quick cuddle and then get back into the workout when you can. Never feel that your baby is causing a disruption in StrollerFIT, they aren’t!

  • What if I’m late?

    Don’t sweat it, join in when you can.

    For StrollerFIT in particular, we all know how tough it is to get out with a baby/toddler. 

    There will be blow outs, there will be last minute clothes changes, or a quick U turn to pick up baby’s bottle/snacks which are left on the kitchen table, etc.! Be proud you got out of the house and made it to class, even if you only workout for 20 minutes, or just join for coffee/activities after class, that is a win in the day of a mum! 

  • What should I wear?

    Layers of clothing for all outdoor classes. For BumpFIT™ and StrollerFIT we suggest that you wear appropriate training clothes with good support, in particular your sports bra. Proper runners are a must, not fashion ones! For both you and baby at StrollerFIT, a hat, gloves and a light jacket in winter/spring and some sun cream in the summer for all outdoor classes!

    Remember, while you’re training your baby/children are not, so make sure they have sufficient layers and warm blankets, foot muffs, etc.

  • What do I need to bring with me to class?

    For all classes a water bottle and a mat unless the coach has suggested alternative equipment (e.g., for our online Pilates classes you may want to use ankle/wrist weights or a Pilates stability ball). For StrollerFIT, your baby (if you want to), and your buggy with a rain cover/sunshade. Anything else is your own choice. Ideally have a warm dry top for afterwards in case you’re having coffee with the other ladies. For StrollerFIT class we recommend having some snacks and a couple of small toys/books for baby/toddler.

  • Do I need a special buggy for StrollerFIT?

    No! Your everyday buggy is perfect.

  • Can I tend to my baby during StrollerFIT?

    Absolutely! We’ve all been there…. babies needs come first, so if you need to feed, change a nappy, or soothe baby, you can do so at any time throughout the class. Our instructors are also there to help soothe baby, if you’re ok with this, so that you can try make the most of the hour for YOU. 

  • What if I am breastfeeding?

    For your own comfort as you exercise, and as it can often help put baby to sleep and let you have an hour for YOU, we encourage you to BF before class! However, if your baby needs to be fed during StrollerFIT this is never a problem. Once you’ve finished nursing and are ready to go, just join back into class.

  • Will we be with the buggies all the time during StrollerFIT?

    Yes, you will. There may be times where the instructor will stay with the buggies and give you the option to do something without them. They will always, however, be in your line of sight. And you can always bring the buggy with you if you prefer.

  • I am thinking of joining alone... will that be ok?

    Definitely! We would LOVE you to come to all our classes and meet new people!! Majority of first-time attendees will be people on their own. 

    We encourage you to have friends around to share the excitement of a pregnancy, and subsequently the excitement and joy of a baby. Being at home alone with a new-born for long periods can be hard and lonely… we were never supposed to do this alone. Coming to class on your own is how you get to meet other mums and mums to be, plus you all have 1 big thing in common that gets you all chatting… bumps and babies! 

  • I am pregnant, can I attend StrollerFIT?

    Yes Yes Yes!! 😊 You don’t need a buggy to participate in StrollerFIT and modifications will always be given to tailor exercises for pregnancy. We would love to see our ‘mums to be’ at StrollerFIT so that you can get to know others in class, benefit from their experiences, familiarise yourself with the class format, and build your community of mums before baby even arrives. This will make it so much easier for you to take that first step to return to exercise following baby’s arrival. 

  • I am pregnant, can I attend BodyFIT?

    Firstly congratulations!!! 😊 Given the high intensity nature of BodyFIT and how each person is at a different stage of their fitness journey, we would ask that you speak to your coach as early as possible in your pregnancy so that they can advise you whether to continue BodyFIT, and what modifications you should make to your training. 

  • My pelvic floor muscles are still quite weak, what should I do?

    We ask that you have them checked by your women’s health physio in the first instance if you feel that they are not getting better. Your pelvic floor muscles take time to get back to normal but need to be worked both at our classes and at home in your own time.

  • I have heard of Abdominal Separation (Diastasis Recti) and I am not sure what this is?

    Diastasis recti (‘DR’), is when the muscles in your abdomen separate during pregnancy, leaving a gap that allows your belly to pooch out after delivery. If you have any DR concerns, we recommend you visit a women’s health physio in the first instance and work with them to rehabilitate your core. 

    Make sure to mention to your instructor that you have DR issues or concerns and they will ensure that they offer modifications of exercises in class to assist in the rehabilitation process. 

  • Is there parking?

    Yes, there is parking at all our locations.

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